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Alien Reptilian Buildings In Florida

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Joshua StoneCutter has produced this NFT to forever preserve & peacefully promote the historically relevant data related to the inhabited Alien / Reptilian structures found inside the Matazas River & Gamble Roger’s State Park / Flagler Beach / Flagler County / Florida / USA 29°23'36"N 81°06'04"W VIOLENCE IS NOT THE ANSWER " I tricked one into coming to the surface at Matanzas Inlet. I put both my hands on the water and said, "come on up, it’s me!" real casually. He was a cute little green skinned fella. I named him Carl . He came directly up through the sand and 2 feet of water. He was 10-15 feet away. He was staring right at me. I waved at Carl and I smiled! As I smiled, I got the feeling he was realising he had been tricked. Tricked by the best Lookie-Lou in the business. Immediately he went directly back down. I walked quickly into the water to get a better look, but Carl was gone, he left the sand looking unscathed & wavy like it always is " -Joshua StoneCutter “The truth shall set you free, but first it will really piss you off” Josh was living in Flagler Beach Florida during the fall of 2021. He spent most of his spare time 2 blocks from his house, on the beach,where he practiced a unique form of meditation . Usually he was listening to the endlessly frothing and splashing of the waves or staring at the ocean & the sky above it. Every day the ocean looked different. Every day the ocean looked beautiful. Josh wasn’t trying to clear his head in an attempt to think of nothing ,as most yogi’s and “spiritual guru” suggest. He was to do the exact opposite. Josh was working towards being able to think of as many things at the same time as was possible for himself. He was trying to make sense of what he had experienced in his life and how it related to where he was mentally and physically. He began visualizing while addressing memories and active thoughts. He connected concepts in his mind without the constraints of words or linear time. As the months progressed he practiced filling his mind with every thought imaginable. Eventually he began to recall thoughts and memories as large concepts with feelings rather than words. The allowed him to move much more freely from thought to thought or an old memory to present prevailing thought. For exercise he began paddle boarding the intercostal waterways in and around Flagler Beach. Often he was seen taking provisions to be on the water for hours at a time. He needed time to think. He needed peace. Everything he had experienced since his first memories and how they connected to his current state of being was becoming clear to him & his perspective was changing in the process. Usually the stagnet water swamp stench wasn’t present on the coast of FL but It stunk like the inside of a swamp most evenings after sun down when most would consider it to be “dark out”. One evening after opening his eyes on the beach Josh saw flashes of blue/.white light in the ocean past the breakers under the water. A few days later He saw white flashes of light under the water in the Matanzas River directly west from where the flashes in the ocean m had occurred. He headed out the next evening on the Matanzas river to investigate further. While paddle boarding the next day he made sure to stay out later than usual. He paddled and floated near where he had seen lights in the water, and waited. The beautiful silent sunset was accompanied by a fish that jumped over the front of his paddle board followed by a loud gasp of air which came from the water next to him. It was a dolphin coming by to say hello. The dolphin seemed to disappear under some rocks but popped up again blowing & sucking air. Just as Josh yelled “Good bye dolphin” there was a terrifying roar of an engine from behind. Two F&W officers in their boat somehow snuck up & they seemed displeased. They seemed upset. The F&W officers seemed determined to find him at fault for something. Josh saw they were nervous, after thinking cocaine trafficking, which he couldn't have cared less about. They asked him what he was doing , as if what he was doing was something illegal or at the very least , morally reprehensible. He laughed. “I’m paddle boarding in the flats & marshes near my home; it’s a very Florida thing to do.” They pretended to be upset about the fact that he did not have a life vest on or lights on the front and back of his paddleboard. They let him go “directly back to the dock”. He waited until he was home, then staring gazing from above using Google Earth. When he zoomed in he couldn’t believe what he was seeing. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He felt excited. He felt sick. More than anything he felt that feeling one gets, when they know they’ve been lied to. He shut his phone off. He had to go back to see if he could see these things in person. He wanted to touch them. He was going to go back. Use Google Earth then go look in person. 29°23'36"N 81°06'04"W

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