Mycdreams #
Mycelial Dreams

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Regret lingers in the spaces between, in the hush of the forest where fallen leaves rest upon the earth, a silent testament to cycles past. It dwells in the soft exhale of twilight, in the stillness that cloaks the day’s end, when light retreats and shadows claim their reign. There is a presence in absence, a form in the formless—the quietude that enfolds when the echoes fade into silence. It’s the pause after the rainfall, the calm that follows the storm, where the air itself seems to hold its breath, and the world is left to ponder what has passed. In the quiet, in the calm, there is a reflection, a looking back that does not disturb the forward flow, but rather meanders alongside, a silent companion to the journey. It is the understanding that from the soil of contemplation, new growth finds its way, reaching toward the canopy with the wisdom of the depths. Regret is not the darkening of the path but the soil from which clarity blooms.
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